Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Can't Get Off The Pott!

Julia Pott's animation and illustration takes me to a happy place. I think her work speaks for itself so I will just leave you with a short film she made and a link to her website. Enough said.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

From the Teats of Coconuts

Why am I talking about coconut teats?

I love dairy but dairy hates me. Dairy wants to inflict serious bouts of cramping and fatigue every time I put my lips on the stuff. That is why I have decided I will no longer indulge in the crack like cravings it induces. Our abusive relationship is over and I am moving on to a greener pastures... one without cows.

Coconut cream (not to be confused with coconut milk) has proved to be a valuable ally in my new endeavor. It's great in curries, shakes and desserts. It's creamy dreaminess lets me indulge without large amounts of regret. Needless to say, my new friend coconut cream and I have been getting along swell. I decided to introduce coconut cream to oatmeal and the two got along swimmingly too. I added a little mango, and it was a mouth party. I actually like eating oatmeal now! The very simple recipe for "Mang-nuts Oatmeal" is below (I know I am a dork for coming up with that name). I am sure all you smart folks out there can come up with all sorts of brilliant things to add to this. Hope you give it a try.

Mang-nuts Oatmeal

Follow the directions for Trader Joes "Quick Cook Steel Cut Oats" (or oatmeal of choice).

Add a little pinch of salt while cooking.

Mix in coconut cream. I add about 2 Tbs to 1/4 cup oatmeal (measured when dry).

Add mango pieces. For one serving I use about a 3/4 cup. I buy frozen mango pieces and defrost in the fridge over night.

Drizzle a bit of maple syrup OR a few drops of liquid stevia for added sweetness.

Sprinkle a bit of cinnamon on top.

Add a spoon and your mouth and enjoy!

Family of the Year

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Julia Rothman Makes Me Feel Funny Inside

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 When I first saw Julia Rothman's awe inspiring wallpaper patterns on the late and great Hermitage website my heart raced, my palms became sweaty and a familiar feeling came over me... I was infatuated. If you are curious to see what gets my motor running, you can take a gander at the link below.

 Sigh... Julia Rothman Eye Candy Here!